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Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 1, 2014

Lỗi khi gửi email bằng tên user khác trong CRM 2011

Thông báo lỗi: User does not have send-as privilege
Chi tiết lỗi:

Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35]]: User does not have send-as privilege.Detail:

  User does not have send-as privilege.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM allows you to set personal options to modify the user interface. You can access your personal options by clicking the File tab in the ribbon and then clicking Options to open the Set Personal Options dialog box. Although we won’t review all of the personal options available, we do want to review a few common configuration options.

Fix lỗi như sau:
Login bằng account của User muốn cho phép User khác sử dụng tính năng Send As
Từ menu File -> Options để mở ra cửa sổ Set Personal Options
Chọn tab Email

Chọn Allow other MS CRM users to send e-mail on your behalf
Microsoft Dynamics CRM allows you to set personal options to modify the user interface. You can access your personal options by clicking the File tab in the ribbon and then clicking Options to open the Set Personal Options dialog box. Although we won’t review all of the personal options available, we do want to review a few common configuration options.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM allows you to set personal options to modify the user interface. You can access your personal options by clicking the File tab in the ribbon and then clicking Options to open the Set Personal Options dialog box. Although we won’t review all of the personal options available, we do want to review a few common configuration options.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM allows you to set personal options to modify the user interface. You can access your personal options by clicking the File tab in the ribbon and then clicking Options to open the Set Personal Options dialog box. Although we won’t review all of the personal options available, we do want to review a few common configuration options.


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